Sunday, June 15, 2008

Good conversation on a Sunday morning

Monty: Hey, Ginger. Stand on my back and try to hit the latch.
Ginger: Where would you go if we could open the door right now?
Monty: I'd try to find that racoon again
Ginger: I would chase some bunnies.
Monty: Yeah, that looked like fun.
Ginger: Maybe I'd go across the street and let Cody smell my butt.
Monty: He's a dumb dog. Why does he bark at cars?
Ginger: You're right. Now, Jack is one hot German Shephard.
Monty: You are so shallow.
Shh! She's eavesdropping!


Elizabeth Rose said...

YOU ARE TOOOOOOOO funny. Those dogs totally fit your family. I love looking at your blog.


Elizabeth Rose said...

Those dogs totally fit in your crazy family...they talk like you and Andy!
Love Kel

Aunt Marie said...

Well, they did learn to speak in our house :-)