Brian won third place for the Fifth Grade in his school's Science Fair. His project was to test if an egg would break when equal pressure was applied. I thought for sure I was going to have a yolky mess in my kitchen. But guess what? Eggs do not break under equal pressure. Try it for yourself. Interlock your fingers and apply even pressure. I promise, the egg won't break. As hard as I tried, I could not break one.
Brian has a lot of credit to give to his very artistic dad, who practically did the whole thing for him. I was the typist :-)
How fun...tell Brian I said great job...he should have received 1st place. A couple yrs ago we studied flying creatures and one of the chapters was on nesting and it had that same experiment in it. Good job Brian!!!!
How fun...tell Brian I said great job...he should have received 1st place. A couple yrs ago we studied flying creatures and one of the chapters was on nesting and it had that same experiment in it.
Good job Brian!!!!
He was so excited that his teacher let him call me from the classroom to give me the news. So cute!
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