Sunday, February 1, 2009

I can't stop laughing!

This morning Brian, sounding very serious, asked his father to give him permission to get a tattoo. A real tattoo. He wanted an armband. And even went so far as to look up designs. He wants a skull armband. Of course his father's answer was that he could do whatever he wanted once he turned 18. And you know my warped mind. I thought to myself, hmm? I could take him down to Venice Beach and let him get a henna tattoo that would last for three weeks. But it would have to say, "I love my mom!"

1 comment:

Elizabeth Rose said...

Oh my goodness...that is hilarious. Where in the world did Brian get that idea? That is too funny. I love your idea and on his chest he can have tatoo'ed "you have to go through my aunt Kellie if you want a date" Brian is too much fun.