Friday, April 10, 2009


Brian decided he wanted to help out, which is great, and although he's old enough, still made me worry. I get extremely nervous when they use anything involving blades and/or gasoline.

Monty's turning into an old man. Look at those grays!


Elizabeth Rose said...

I cannot believe Andy let him do this...Andy is so protective of his landscape...did he teach Brian how to make the perfect lines on the know the ones that look like Angel Stadium?
Good for Brian...Sammy LOVES to cut our lawn...our boys are growing up.

Aunt Marie said...

Oh, you have Andy so pegged. He was adamant that Brian had to just do a basic mow, nothing fancy. LOL! I know, they're growing up way to fast. Do you remember when, one day when we weren't home, Brandon put the mower as low as it would go and cut a golf "green" into the lawn? Shockingly, Drew found it funny :-)