I'm happy for both Chris and Victoria, but at the same time, I feel really, really old. How is it that my nephews are already young men - and one has gotten married?! Chris, I can still picture you in a high chair. Or singing "Chuck, Chuck, fo . . Christopher, stop that!" Oh, yeah, you were a handful. Sad how quickly those days pass. Victoria, we think you are a very sweet young lady and are delighted that Chris has brought you into our lives.
It really drives me crazy that I choose the pictures in the order I want them to post, and they come out completely opposite! Of course this post is about Chris and Victoria and their photo was supposed to be first. Ugh! To see all the pictures, choose Chris and Victoria's Reception on my sidebar.
This little girl melts my heart!
Chris' Nana, Mary Alice Lytle, Chris, Victoria, Victoria's father Jim and grandmother.
Mi familia
The happy couple
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