Monday, October 12, 2009

Pumpkin Patch

On Saturday, Nicholas and Samantha spent the entire day with us. Their dad dropped them off at Brian's football game around 9:00 in the morning, where they got to play with some of the other little ones. Then we had lunch at Mickey D's, headed home so Brian could clean up, then headed to Lombardi Ranch to pick pumpkins. Then we came home, took a nap, made dinner, and headed to the park to run it all off. It was a long day and I think I was more tired at the end of it than they were.

I guess I could have at least put the vacuum away.

We read signs well, don't we?


Elizabeth Rose said...

I LOVE these pictures. What a fun day for them and you. They are getting soooo big. Where did Mike and Lauri go?

Aunt Marie said...

Hi, Kel. Lauri was dancing and Mike went to a Nascar race. It was a fun day. I just wished that we didn't have so much going on so we could have enjoyed the pumpkin patch a little longer. Brian also had a b-day party to attend so we had to cut it short.

Elizabeth Rose said...

I can't be;ieve how cute Samantha is...she just keeps getting cuter and cuter.