Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Father's Day

Sadly, we didn't really celebrate Father's Day, and we had a hockey game to go to. But Drew wasn't forgotten about. He did finally get the camera he's been wanting and is having a great time getting to know the features.
At this hockey game, he was able to go out to the players bench to get closer to the game. He took this picture, which I didn't know about, of me, Brandon, and Samantha. Mike surprised us and brought Nicholas and Samantha to the game while Lauri was off with friends. Afterward, we barbecued and went swimming. But for some reason, this is the only picture we have of the day.


Elizabeth Rose said...

Samantha LOVES her aunt Marie...glad they came over so YOU can spoil them. Happy Father's Day Andy.
Love Kel

Elizabeth Rose said...

You and Brandon have intense looks on your faces...did Brian win? Is he still the leading scorer in the league? What studs you have!!!!!

Aunt Marie said...

Hey, Kel. I'm trying to spoil them as much as I can :-) They were both really sweet and well-behaved this day.

No, Brian's team lost this game - probably explains the intense looks. And no, he's dropped down in the league a bit - trying very hard not to be a "puck hog." He is on defense, so not really expected to score.