Monday, February 16, 2009


The boys finally got some snowboarding in.

Kellie, I created a family site for all the pictures. It's easier to upload that way. It's at

Here, Brian catches some air:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

A's Game 1

Brian's team finally played their first game on Thursday, after being rained out previously. They won 17-6. Brian didn't see any action in right field, but he was happy with that because he said he was cold, despite being layered. It was only 41 degrees out there. But he did get two good hits for one single and one double.

I've started a separate photo album but I'm not sure if I'll continue it or not. It'll depend on how many pictures we take. If I do, I'll post it on my sidebar.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I can't stop laughing!

This morning Brian, sounding very serious, asked his father to give him permission to get a tattoo. A real tattoo. He wanted an armband. And even went so far as to look up designs. He wants a skull armband. Of course his father's answer was that he could do whatever he wanted once he turned 18. And you know my warped mind. I thought to myself, hmm? I could take him down to Venice Beach and let him get a henna tattoo that would last for three weeks. But it would have to say, "I love my mom!"