Sunday, November 18, 2007

Baby hammies - watching them grow . . .

Okay, it's now January, and I haven't had the heart to continue with these posts. Unfortunately, none of the hammies survived. For whatever reason, Teddy moved them to the top of the cage and packed it so tightly with bedding, that my best guest is that they suffocated or that she couldn't nurse them because there wasn't enough room. Either way, I was completely heartbroken and couldn't continue with these posts. But such is nature and we have to move on.
November 25, 2007
The babies are 9 days old. I probably shouldn't have done this (I hear it's bad to disturb the nest and get our scent on the babies), but I just had to clean out the cage. It smelled to high heaven. So Mommy Teddy ran around in her ball and I gently scooped her babies into a pan. We found out that we have only 7 babies, not 8 like we originally thought. They're getting more fur and are moving around a lot more. And as much fun as it was to be able to see them close up, we were heartbroken to find out we had a runt who is missing a back leg and is in very bad shape. I honestly don't think he'll make it to the end of the week, but I put him back in the cage to try to give him a fighting chance.
The runt is the one to the far left. Brian is heartbroken for him and wants to take him to a vet to see if they can help him. That reminds me of when Brandon was about 10 and his hamster developed a growth (the hamster was older when it happend) and he also wanted to take him to the vet. I had to explain that we couldn't spend the $50 (I'm guessing) or more in vet fees on a $7.00 animal (that's what we paid back then) that was nearing the end of his very short life. What can I say? My boys love their pets. We even get upset when a fish goes to visit King Neptune.

Who snuck this picture in?
November 22, 2007
We haven't seen the babies in a few days. Teddy's been a protective mommy and has been keeping them warm and hidden in her nest. But yesterday, they were 6 days old and she let us take a peek. They're already starting to grow fur and have gone from pink to brown.

November 18, 2007
Day Two - still pink, bald, and blind. But moving much more and
yiping when mommy leaves their sides. **********
November 17, 2007.
Day one - pink, bald, blind and barely moving:

Missions, Presidios, and Pueblos, Rah!

On Friday, November 16th, Mrs. Patterson's and Mrs. Martinez' 4th grade classes presented a play on the California missions, presidios and pueblos. Brian was an "administrator," although I'm not quite sure what that title meant to the indians. He did very well. We could actually, for the first time in all his school plays, hear him singing and he's a pretty good dancer, too.

Freshman Football Awards Banquet

The Golden Valley Freshman Football Awards Banquet was held on Thursday, November 15th. This is Brandon below in the blue shirt receiving his certificate. He found out that if you play all 4 years, you get a jersey with your name on it to keep. He wants that more than he wants the letterman jacket. So I guess I have 3 more years of football to go.

This is Brian in yellow, making new friends while their older brothers are getting their certificates and letters. Love the clip on tie!

Brian always travels with his DS.

Teddy the Hamster

On November 10th, Brian finally got his hamster, which was promised to him for his birthday in January. She is a teddy bear hamster, so he named her Teddy. She is very sweet.

We thought Teddy might be a boy, so you can imagine our surprise when exactly one week from when we brought Teddy home, she had babies. Brian came running out of his room, with true excitment in his voice, saying "Mommy, Teddy had babies and I'm not lying." I hoped he was joking around, but itwas true. Right there in the middle of the cage were 8 pink, blind, naked baby hamsters.

We have about 4 to 6 weeks before they'll be ready to go to new homes. So far, I've lined up homes of 3 of them.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Meet the Kings

Today, the Kings hosted a "Meet the Kings" event at Hollywood Park racetrack, for season seat holders. I was lucky to have been offered tickets to this event from our suite holders at work. Below is a photo from "" That is Drew's big back of the head in the brown shirt, Brian's head peaking out on the left and mine on the right. Jim, Drew's brother, called us at 9:00 tonight to tell us we were on the internet. I'm just having such a hard time believing that Jim could spot Drew's huge cranium out of such a big crowd.

Brandon took his friend Peter, and they met up with Kevin, another friend. They had a great time getting theirs sticks and jerseys signed. My favorite part was that everything in the concession stands was complimentary.
I'd list the player's names, but I'd have to look them up. Although I was really excited to Rogie Vauchon's signature.

Jim Fox, King's announcer, came through the line and took a picture with Brian.
Brian, Josh and Chad:

Brandon, Peter, Kevin and Lubomir Vishnavski.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

End of Football Season

Brandon's frosh football season has finally come to an end. It's been painful. They lost all but one game, with scores usually in the 40 to nothing range. But it's been a learning experience for Brandon. Since the school is relatively new, the kids who have prior football experience choose to go to schools with better track records (I overheard the coach say that only 7 boys have ever played before). So although they lost, Brandon, who had never played before, got to start and was also a punter, which would never have happened at one of the more established schools. I think there's a lot to be said about that subject.

So it's over. He loved it and is planning to continue playing next year.

Coach Fisher is sooooo cute:

Halloween 2007

Nothing exciting going on in our neck of the woods. Here are some Halloween pictures. Brian is a commando (which is also his code word when he sleeps in the buff); Brandon is a Wheaties box, and we have a hot dog, a hippie, and Hannah Montana, but I think she looks more like Brittany Spears.