Monday, September 21, 2009

A Pinch of Love

Okay, so we have the boys take turns making sandwiches for their lunches. Last night, Brian made them and told me that he put a pinch of love in mine and sealed it in a zip lock baggie so none of the love would escape.

How sweet is that? He's my affectionate one, clearly.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally

Okay, for years, Brian has struggled with math. The excuses for not doing his math homework ranged from I don't understand or the teacher didn't show us how to do that, to my dog ate my reminder binder (just kidding). So last week, Drew and I went to back-to-school night and his teacher (one of our favorites who also taught Brandon and was super excited to have Brian in her class) told us he was really, really good at math. I didn't believe her.

But last night, Brian and I sat together while he did his math homework. He blew me away. Really. He can figure square roots in his head faster than I can with a calculator (and that was using a calculator with a square root button!). He had several problems that required him to use the order of operation. Again, all done in his head. Heck, I could barely remember the words of the order of operation and I don't even know what an exponent is!

In case you're wondering, it goes in this order: parenthesis, exponents, multiply, divide, add, subtract (hense the title of this post).