Friday, July 11, 2008

What's worse than not being able to spell tomato?

Having Tomato Horn Worms!!! Ginger found it this morning in the dirt. By the time I could get a spoon to remove it, it was stuck to a branch. That is what ate my tomato plant, not bunnies. And what I thought were bunny gifts on the floor - turned out to be Tomato Horn Worm poop!!!!! (I think anyway. Maybe they're eggs!) I don't think I can handle this kind of gardening!

These worms have a predator - the Braconid Wasp. Does anyone see the problem here? Wasps! To attack worms, I have to deal with wasps? If these tomatoes don't taste like they'd make the best sphaghetti sauce ever, I don't know if I'll be doing this gardening thing again.

1 comment:

Elizabeth Rose said...

Maybe putting the worm in the spaghetti sauce would be the ticket...variety is the spice of life! Ask the tequila drinkers.
Although when we come over can we have something else for dinner...I don't like spaghetti. I'd like to try those egg plants...without the worms though...they give me gas.